Category: Journal

  • I seek out ways to cause me pain

    I seek out ways to cause me pain

    I need a pain killer. A big one. A live one. The kind you can’t get from the SFW prescriptions.

  • I love you but

    I love you but

    is a phrase used to dull the sting

  • Heat seeking missile

    Heat seeking missile

    Still trying to understand how this lady from such a different world as mine was so capable of reflecting my feelings about my life like this.

  • Rainbows


    People always take photos of rainbows. I don’t.

  • All my life I’ve been made to feel like I’m not enough

    All my life I’ve been made to feel like I’m not enough

    Time after time after time I’ve been hit with life experiences that are based in the concept that I’m just not enough. It was always this knowledge of who I am that’s always kept me pushing on.

  • Trouble is

    Trouble is

    I keep burning myself on the same match.

  • Vehicle


    I was always disposable, even as the big spoon.

  • Bisous


    Dernier baiser. Meh. Life.

  • Just keep trying

    Just keep trying

    Anyway, I bought this beautiful road machine to remind myself that my life isn’t over. Yeah, it’s just a material thing, but it’s a self-loving reminder to keep trying. Just keep trying.