Rarely does an artist inspire me so much that I will use my own personal platform to promote the artist. Ava Sol is one such artist.

“I don’t create art with the intuition to sell it” is a statement directly from my heart. I’ve hardly ever encountered an artist anywhere say the same thing. Even more rare is it for that artist to produce work that’s awe inspiring creative and of the upmost quality. I’m finding that in artist Ava Sol who I’ve discovered on Twitter.
Ultimately, she does sell her artwork which is fine by me as an artist is allowed to do whatever is chosen or needed to do in support of her art. It’s the idea behind the creation of the art that makes her unique and inspiring to me. To me this is why any artist should create art.
I have had big, stupid arguments online with content makers over this very concept. I can’t fathom the spirit of setting down to create true art with the idea that it’s designed to fetch any amount of financial gain. That’s content, not art. This isn’t the purpose of art despite the fact that many use it strictly for that purpose.
To look at my own art creations it’s simple to take the position that I can so much feel that way because any art that I’ve produced or will produced isn’t good enough to be valued that way. This is debatable. Still, it’s moot because I do my art for my own means of self-expression. Outside of that I want it to inspire and uplift. That’s not something that should come with a price tag.
People can and should do what they want with whatever it is they create. I’m not the one to tell them what to do. It’s just that art is supposed to come from a different place inside us than a product for sale. Art should render as our souls speaking. As I have unsuccessfully argued in the past, if someone finds anyone’s artwork valuable enough to trade financial reimbursement to own it, that should come as a secondary reward. That’s not a concept readily comprehended by those trying to live off the income selling one’s art. That’s unfortunate, uninspiring and depressing. My art has a higher meaning.
So, to see an artist the likes of Aval Sol basically echoing my feelings it’s exciting. I want to tell the world about her, but she’s, also the perfect example of what I try to explain to content creators.
Ava’s art is definitely available for purchase. I’ve included links to her various methods of marketing her works. If you are so inclined, please take the time to browse her works and buy something cool from her.
To be clear I don’t find anything wrong with artists being able to make a profit enough to live off it for their artwork. Much to the chagrin of disbelieving content creators I do support the idea. I just don’t believe it should be the motivation for creating art. Art should come from somewhere else within a person.
Ava Sol. Her artwork is phenomenal. Check her out.
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